Washington, DC

A Basic Business License is issued for a 2-year or 4-year term. The license is eligible for renewal seventy-five (75) days prior to a license's expiration. Most Basic Business Licenses can be renewed online at My DC Business Center (mybusiness.dc.gov). The My DC Business Center is most compatible with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers. Learn more about Basic Business License Renewal.

Do We Have Your Email Address?
The Business Licensing Division wants to ensure you receive all statutory communications regarding your Basic Business License and are alerted about any regulatory changes and agency events. BBL Email Address Update Form

Billing Address Change
If your billing address information has changed, submit the Notice of Billing Address Change (BBL Only) to ensure you will receive renewal notices and other information. Note that this request is only for changes in your billing address. A Sole Proprietor may also update the resident agent information using this request form. The Agency will not change the address where you conduct business as a result of submitting this request. If your business' premise address has changed, you are required to apply for a new license by submitting the required supporting documentation outlined at View Business Licenses Offered. You may contact the Agency at (202) 442-4400 if you have more detailed questions about premise address changes.

Cancel Your Basic Business License
If you are no longer conducting the business activity for which your Basic Business License was issued, you are required to formally notify the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs by submitting a Business License Cancellation request. You will accrue late fees, penalty fees and other applicable taxes on your business if you fail to do so.

Basic Business License Duplicate Request

The owner of or the agent on record for a Basic Business License may submit a Basic Business License (BBL) Duplicate Request for a fee of $6.60. Please do not apply for a duplicate license if your new or renewal license application was approved within the past 60 days. If you were issued a Basic Business License online, you may log into your existing via My DC Business Center account to download a duplicate at any time free of charge.

Basic Business License License Certification Request

Request a Refund
If you think you are due a refund due to an excess, duplicate or erroneous payment, you may submit a request for a refund. You must submit all of the required documentation in order to process your claim.

Business License Insurance and Bond Modification

Certain Basic Business licensees are required to maintain insurance and bond coverage as specified in the D.C. Municipal Regulations. Additionally, the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs must be notified of any cancellation and/or update to any insurance and bonding policies associated with an existing Basic Business License. If a bond or insurance policy has been updated, cancelled or otherwise modified, submit a Notice of Business License Insurance and Bond Modification. Learn more about insurance and bonding requirements:

Want to keep track of your Licenses?
Visit the DC Business Licensing Portal. This portal walks you through a simple virtual checklist of all the licenses you need to start and maintain your business.