This Pet Custody Agreement ( the “Agreement”) dated this (the effective date) day of (effective month and year).
Between (the two partners):
[FirstOwner.FirstName] [FirstOwner.LastName] of [FirstOwner.Country] , [FirstOwner.City] the State of [FirstOwner.State]
[SecondOwner.FirstName] [SecondOwner.LastName] of [SecondOwner.Country] , [SecondOwner.City] the State of [SecondOwner.State]
The parties involved are the owners of the animal(s) mentioned below and are considered pet(s).
Name: (Name of the pet)
Breed: (Title of the breed)
Description: (Physical appearance)
Also known as a pet agreement, this document covers the detailed care plan of pets that used to live with roommates or couples but have now settled with only one partner. Sometimes, these pets live with both partners separately, following a visitation schedule. The agreement works for all household pets regardless of species.
[FirstOwner.FirstName] [FirstOwner.LastName] and [SecondOwner.FirstName] [SecondOwner.LastName] desire to separate from each other.
[FirstOwner.FirstName] [FirstOwner.LastName] and [SecondOwner.FirstName] [SecondOwner.LastName] want this Agreement to fix the custody and care of their pet(s).
When completing this agreement, consider facts such as the size of the home where the pet would stay, the effect of this agreement on any children, the pet’s attachment to an owner, and your or your ex-partner’s financial capacities.
Now, Therefore, both Owners fully and freely accept all the terms and conditions, provisions hereof, and in the consideration of mutual covenants and promises. The parties hereby agree to the following clauses: