Zoning in Toronto

Zoning by-laws implement the land use policies of the City’s Official Plan, and are the legal documents that set the standards that must be met to obtain a building permit. The Ontario Planning Act provides legal authority to the City of Toronto to adopt and amend zoning by-laws.

Zoning by-laws regulate the use of land, providing details of how land may be used, where buildings and structures can be located, building heights, densities, setbacks, and parking requirements, as well as many other important aspects of development.

By-law 569-2013 is the zoning by-law that applies to the majority of lands in Toronto.

Zoning Studies and City-wide Zoning By-law Amendments

City council sometimes amends Zoning By-law 569-2013 to adopt new or revised zoning regulations that apply on a city-wide basis. These changes are usually the result of planning studies and consultation. Information is available about zoning studies that have been completed recently and those that are underway.

Properties That Are Not Part of Zoning By-law 569-2013

While most of the properties in the city are subject to Zoning By-law 569-2013, there are some properties that are still subject to the former municipal zoning by-laws. These properties are shaded in grey on the Zoning By-law Interactive Map.

They remain subject to the one of the comprehensive zoning by-laws of the pre-amalgamation municipalities.

Refer to the applicable former municipal zoning by-law to find zoning information for these properties.

The process of harmonizing zoning for those properties which are not subject to By-law 569-2013 is ongoing.

Site-Specific Zoning By-law Amendments

City Council often amends Zoning By-law 569-2013 as it applies to specific properties. The purpose of these amendments is to permit new development that would otherwise not be permitted by the zoning by-law. The Application Information Centre provides extensive information about rezoning applications that are under consideration.

Minister's Zoning Orders

The Planning Act authorizes the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) to make a minister’s zoning order (MZO) for regulating the use of land, buildings and structures anywhere in Ontario. The Minister’s Zoning Orders page provides information and a list of recent MZOs.

Outstanding Appeals to Zoning By-law 569-2013

Most of the regulations in Zoning By-law 569-2013 are in force. However, some regulations remain under appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal. Many site-specific appeals are also outstanding.

The Ontario Land Tribunal administers the appeals. Information on the appeal status, including previous decisions and orders, is available from the Ontario Land Tribunal under Case Number PL130592.