Enroll in the full-time virtual school at UT High School. Spring Semester registration ends soon. Registration is open now!
Eligible high school students with established Texas residency may enroll with free tuition in the state-funded UTHS virtual school. Upon completion of all Texas graduation requirements, students will be eligible to earn a UT High School diploma.
Enroll in the full-time international virtual school at UT High School. Registration is open now!
Eligible high school students with out-of-state or international residency may enroll in the UTHS International Diploma Program. Upon completion of all Texas graduation requirements, students will be eligible to earn a UT International High School diploma.
Take one or a few online courses at UT High School as a part-time student. Registration is open now!
Eligible middle and high school students from any location can take one or a few high school credit courses at UT High School without enrolling in the full time program. Simply login to our online course catalogue to select your class, then pay online, and start anytime. Take a course to catch up or get ahead, including AP, Honors, electives, and core courses to meet NCAA eligibility requirements.
Enroll in the virtual adult learner program at UT High School. Enrollment is currently at capacity. Registration is currently closed. Once space become available, enrollment will be reopened. To be placed on the Empower Academy interest list, please email Edservices@austin.utexas.edu or call 512-232-5000.
Eligible adults, age 21+ with established Texas residency, may enroll with free tuition in the virtual program. Students will be eligible to complete a Texas high school diploma or prepare and take the GED exams.